Opened 10 days ago

Closed 9 days ago

Last modified 8 days ago

#1891 closed defect (invalid)

Wrong value ssd life (KINGSTON SUV400S37120G)

Reported by: Varkis505 Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: smartctl Version:
Keywords: ata Cc: Varkis505


I use a program to monitor the condition of the disks on my servers, and the SSDs give an error on zabbix that the disk life is 17% (100-0 threshold values ​​specified by the manufacturer), but in fact the value is 83%.

Attachments (1)

ssd.txt (14.3 KB ) - added by Varkis505 9 days ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Christian Franke, 10 days ago

Keywords: ssd life % removed
Milestone: undecided

comment:2 by Christian Franke, 9 days ago

Any feedback for this ticket?

by Varkis505, 9 days ago

Attachment: ssd.txt added

comment:3 by Christian Franke, 9 days ago

Keywords: ata added
Summary: Wrong value ssd lifeWrong value ssd life (KINGSTON SUV400S37120G)
Device Model:     KINGSTON SUV400S37120G
231 SSD_Life_Left           -O--CK   082   082   000    -    18
...                                  ^^^                     ^^
0x07  =====  =               =  ===  == Solid State Device Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x07  0x008  1              18  ---  Percentage Used Endurance Indicator

82% left according to the normalized VALUE of attribute 231.
18% used according to the Percentage Used Endurance Indicator. The RAW_VALUE of attribute 231 is identical.

Conclusion: Smartctl prints the values as reported by the drive.

You may want to report this to zabbix upstream developers:

Zabbix should use (100 minus Percentage Used Endurance Indicator from Solid State Device Statistics) if the device provides this value. Device Statistics is supported by most recent devices. It is vendor independent and therefore more reliable than legacy SMART Attributes which are always vendor specific - and were declared obsolete in recent versions of the standard.

Otherwise Zabbix should use the normalized VALUE of SSD_Life_Left instead of the RAW_VALUE. In the above case, the RAW_VALUE reports the used percentage but this behavior is also vendor specific and may even differ between firmware releases.

comment:4 by Christian Franke, 9 days ago

Milestone: undecided
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Smartctl prints attribute 231 as reported by the drive. Zabbix does not calculate the percentage correctly.

comment:5 by Varkis505, 8 days ago

Thanks for help

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