smartmontools SVN Rev 5664
Utility to control and monitor storage systems with "S.M.A.R.T."
Classes | Namespaces | Macros | Functions | Variables
atacmds.cpp File Reference
#include "config.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "atacmds.h"
#include "knowndrives.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "dev_ata_cmd_set.h"
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struct  format_name_entry
class  anonymous_namespace{atacmds.cpp}::parsed_ata_device
struct  anonymous_namespace{atacmds.cpp}::parsed_ata_device::parsed_ata_command


namespace  anonymous_namespace{atacmds.cpp}


#define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS   1
#define SMART_CYL_LOW   0x4F
#define SMART_CYL_HI   0xC2
#define SWAPV(x)   ((x) = get_swapx_val(x))
#define P(n)   (' ' <= p[n] && p[n] <= '~' ? (int)p[n] : '.')


unsigned char get_unc_attr_id (bool offline, const ata_vendor_attr_defs &defs, bool &increase)
bool parse_attribute_def (const char *opt, ata_vendor_attr_defs &defs, ata_vendor_def_prior priority)
std::string create_vendor_attribute_arg_list ()
bool parse_firmwarebug_def (const char *opt, firmwarebug_defs &firmwarebugs)
const char * get_valid_firmwarebug_args ()
void swap2 (char *location)
void swap4 (char *location)
void swap8 (char *location)
template<typename T >
static T get_swapx_val (T x)
static void invalidate_serno (ata_identify_device *id)
static const char * preg (const ata_register &r, char(&buf)[8])
static void print_regs (const char *prefix, const ata_in_regs &r, const char *suffix="\n")
static void print_regs (const char *prefix, const ata_out_regs &r, const char *suffix="\n")
static void prettyprint (const unsigned char *p, const char *name)
int smartcommandhandler (ata_device *device, smart_command_set command, int select, char *data)
void ata_get_size_info (const ata_identify_device *id, ata_size_info &sizes)
unsigned char checksum (const void *data)
static void swapbytes (char *out, const char *in, size_t n)
static void trim (char *out, const char *in)
void ata_format_id_string (char *out, const unsigned char *in, int n)
int ataCheckPowerMode (ata_device *device)
bool ata_nodata_command (ata_device *device, unsigned char command, int sector_count)
bool ata_set_features (ata_device *device, unsigned char features, int sector_count)
int ata_read_identity (ata_device *device, ata_identify_device *buf, bool fix_swapped_id, unsigned char *raw_buf)
int ata_get_wwn (const ata_identify_device *id, unsigned &oui, uint64_t &unique_id)
int ata_get_rotation_rate (const ata_identify_device *id)
int ataSmartSupport (const ata_identify_device *drive)
int ataIsSmartEnabled (const ata_identify_device *drive)
int ataReadSmartValues (ata_device *device, struct ata_smart_values *data)
static void fixsamsungselftestlog (ata_smart_selftestlog *data)
int ataReadSelfTestLog (ata_device *device, ata_smart_selftestlog *data, firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs)
static void check_multi_sector_sum (const void *data, unsigned nsectors, const char *msg)
bool ataReadExtSelfTestLog (ata_device *device, ata_smart_extselftestlog *log, unsigned nsectors)
bool ataWriteLogExt (ata_device *device, unsigned char logaddr, unsigned page, void *data, unsigned nsectors)
bool ataReadLogExt (ata_device *device, unsigned char logaddr, unsigned char features, unsigned page, void *data, unsigned nsectors)
bool ataReadSmartLog (ata_device *device, unsigned char logaddr, void *data, unsigned nsectors)
int ataReadLogDirectory (ata_device *device, ata_smart_log_directory *data, bool gpl)
int ataReadSelectiveSelfTestLog (ata_device *device, struct ata_selective_self_test_log *data)
int ataWriteSelectiveSelfTestLog (ata_device *device, ata_selective_selftest_args &args, const ata_smart_values *sv, uint64_t num_sectors, const ata_selective_selftest_args *prev_args)
static void fixsamsungerrorlog (ata_smart_errorlog *data)
static void fixsamsungerrorlog2 (ata_smart_errorlog *data)
int ataReadErrorLog (ata_device *device, ata_smart_errorlog *data, firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs)
template<class T >
static void fix_exterrlog_lba_cmd (T &cmd)
static void fix_exterrlog_lba (ata_smart_exterrlog *log, unsigned nsectors)
bool ataReadExtErrorLog (ata_device *device, ata_smart_exterrlog *log, unsigned page, unsigned nsectors, firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs)
int ataReadSmartThresholds (ata_device *device, struct ata_smart_thresholds_pvt *data)
int ataEnableSmart (ata_device *device)
int ataDisableSmart (ata_device *device)
int ataEnableAutoSave (ata_device *device)
int ataDisableAutoSave (ata_device *device)
int ataEnableAutoOffline (ata_device *device)
int ataDisableAutoOffline (ata_device *device)
int ataDoesSmartWork (ata_device *device)
int ataSmartStatus2 (ata_device *device)
int ataSmartTest (ata_device *device, int testtype, bool force, const ata_selective_selftest_args &selargs, const ata_smart_values *sv, uint64_t num_sectors)
int TestTime (const ata_smart_values *data, int testtype)
bool isSmartErrorLogCapable (const ata_smart_values *data, const ata_identify_device *identity)
bool isSmartTestLogCapable (const ata_smart_values *data, const ata_identify_device *identity)
bool isGeneralPurposeLoggingCapable (const ata_identify_device *identity)
ata_attr_state ata_get_attr_state (const ata_smart_attribute &attr, int attridx, const ata_smart_threshold_entry *thresholds, const ata_vendor_attr_defs &defs, unsigned char *threshval)
uint64_t ata_get_attr_raw_value (const ata_smart_attribute &attr, const ata_vendor_attr_defs &defs)
static int check_temp_word (unsigned word)
static bool check_temp_range (int t, unsigned char ut1, unsigned char ut2, int &lo, int &hi)
std::string ata_format_attr_raw_value (const ata_smart_attribute &attr, const ata_vendor_attr_defs &defs)
std::string ata_get_smart_attr_name (unsigned char id, const ata_vendor_attr_defs &defs, int rpm)
int ata_find_attr_index (unsigned char id, const ata_smart_values &smartval)
unsigned char ata_return_temperature_value (const ata_smart_values *data, const ata_vendor_attr_defs &defs)
int ataReadSCTStatus (ata_device *device, ata_sct_status_response *sts)
int ataReadSCTTempHist (ata_device *device, ata_sct_temperature_history_table *tmh, ata_sct_status_response *sts)
static int ataGetSetSCTFeatureControl (ata_device *device, unsigned short feature_code, unsigned short state, bool persistent, bool set)
int ataGetSetSCTWriteCacheReordering (ata_device *device, bool enable, bool persistent, bool set)
int ataGetSetSCTWriteCache (ata_device *device, unsigned short state, bool persistent, bool set)
int ataSetSCTTempInterval (ata_device *device, unsigned interval, bool persistent)
static int ataGetSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime (ata_device *device, unsigned type, bool set, unsigned short &time_limit, bool power_on, bool mfg_default)
int ataGetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime (ata_device *device, unsigned type, unsigned short &time_limit, bool power_on)
int ataSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime (ata_device *device, unsigned type, unsigned short time_limit, bool power_on, bool mfg_default)
static const char * anonymous_namespace{atacmds.cpp}::nextline (const char *s, int &lineno)
static int anonymous_namespace{atacmds.cpp}::name2command (const char *s)
static bool anonymous_namespace{atacmds.cpp}::matchcpy (char *dest, size_t size, const char *src, const regular_expression::match_range &srcmatch)
static int anonymous_namespace{atacmds.cpp}::matchtoi (const char *src, const regular_expression::match_range &srcmatch, int defval)
ata_deviceget_parsed_ata_device (smart_interface *intf, const char *dev_name)


const char * atacmds_cpp_cvsid
unsigned char ata_debugmode = 0
bool dont_print_serial_number = false
const format_name_entry format_names []
const unsigned num_format_names = sizeof(format_names)/sizeof(format_names[0])
const char *const map_old_vendor_opts [][2]
const unsigned num_old_vendor_opts = sizeof(map_old_vendor_opts)/sizeof(map_old_vendor_opts[0])
static const char *const commandstrings []

Macro Definition Documentation


#define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS   1

Definition at line 15 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ P

#define P (   n)    (' ' <= p[n] && p[n] <= '~' ? (int)p[n] : '.')


#define SMART_CYL_HI   0xC2

Definition at line 41 of file atacmds.cpp.


#define SMART_CYL_LOW   0x4F

Definition at line 40 of file atacmds.cpp.



Definition at line 47 of file atacmds.cpp.



Definition at line 48 of file atacmds.cpp.


#define SWAPV (   x)    ((x) = get_swapx_val(x))

Definition at line 340 of file atacmds.cpp.

Function Documentation

◆ ata_find_attr_index()

int ata_find_attr_index ( unsigned char  id,
const ata_smart_values smartval 

Definition at line 2146 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_format_attr_raw_value()

std::string ata_format_attr_raw_value ( const ata_smart_attribute attr,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs defs 

Definition at line 1920 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_format_id_string()

void ata_format_id_string ( char *  out,
const unsigned char *  in,
int  n 

Definition at line 762 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_get_attr_raw_value()

uint64_t ata_get_attr_raw_value ( const ata_smart_attribute attr,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs defs 

Definition at line 1846 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_get_attr_state()

ata_attr_state ata_get_attr_state ( const ata_smart_attribute attr,
int  attridx,
const ata_smart_threshold_entry thresholds,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs defs,
unsigned char *  threshval 

Definition at line 1796 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_get_rotation_rate()

int ata_get_rotation_rate ( const ata_identify_device id)

Definition at line 920 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_get_size_info()

void ata_get_size_info ( const ata_identify_device id,
ata_size_info sizes 

Definition at line 658 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_get_smart_attr_name()

std::string ata_get_smart_attr_name ( unsigned char  id,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs defs,
int  rpm 

Definition at line 2127 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_get_wwn()

int ata_get_wwn ( const ata_identify_device id,
unsigned &  oui,
uint64_t &  unique_id 

Definition at line 900 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_nodata_command()

bool ata_nodata_command ( ata_device device,
unsigned char  command,
int  sector_count 

Definition at line 787 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_read_identity()

int ata_read_identity ( ata_device device,
ata_identify_device buf,
bool  fix_swapped_id,
unsigned char *  raw_buf 

Definition at line 817 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_return_temperature_value()

unsigned char ata_return_temperature_value ( const ata_smart_values data,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs defs 

Definition at line 2159 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ata_set_features()

bool ata_set_features ( ata_device device,
unsigned char  features,
int  sector_count 

Definition at line 799 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataCheckPowerMode()

int ataCheckPowerMode ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 777 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataDisableAutoOffline()

int ataDisableAutoOffline ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 1581 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataDisableAutoSave()

int ataDisableAutoSave ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 1558 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataDisableSmart()

int ataDisableSmart ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 1543 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataDoesSmartWork()

int ataDoesSmartWork ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 1593 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataEnableAutoOffline()

int ataEnableAutoOffline ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 1570 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataEnableAutoSave()

int ataEnableAutoSave ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 1551 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataEnableSmart()

int ataEnableSmart ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 1536 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataGetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime()

int ataGetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime ( ata_device device,
unsigned  type,
unsigned short &  time_limit,
bool  power_on 

Definition at line 2510 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataGetSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime()

static int ataGetSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime ( ata_device device,
unsigned  type,
bool  set,
unsigned short &  time_limit,
bool  power_on,
bool  mfg_default 

Definition at line 2414 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataGetSetSCTFeatureControl()

static int ataGetSetSCTFeatureControl ( ata_device device,
unsigned short  feature_code,
unsigned short  state,
bool  persistent,
bool  set 

Definition at line 2282 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataGetSetSCTWriteCache()

int ataGetSetSCTWriteCache ( ata_device device,
unsigned short  state,
bool  persistent,
bool  set 

Definition at line 2356 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataGetSetSCTWriteCacheReordering()

int ataGetSetSCTWriteCacheReordering ( ata_device device,
bool  enable,
bool  persistent,
bool  set 

Definition at line 2349 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataIsSmartEnabled()

int ataIsSmartEnabled ( const ata_identify_device drive)

Definition at line 951 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadErrorLog()

int ataReadErrorLog ( ata_device device,
ata_smart_errorlog data,
firmwarebug_defs  firmwarebugs 

Definition at line 1424 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadExtErrorLog()

bool ataReadExtErrorLog ( ata_device device,
ata_smart_exterrlog log,
unsigned  page,
unsigned  nsectors,
firmwarebug_defs  firmwarebugs 

Definition at line 1491 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadExtSelfTestLog()

bool ataReadExtSelfTestLog ( ata_device device,
ata_smart_extselftestlog log,
unsigned  nsectors 

Definition at line 1061 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadLogDirectory()

int ataReadLogDirectory ( ata_device device,
ata_smart_log_directory data,
bool  gpl 

Definition at line 1164 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadLogExt()

bool ataReadLogExt ( ata_device device,
unsigned char  logaddr,
unsigned char  features,
unsigned  page,
void *  data,
unsigned  nsectors 

Definition at line 1111 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadSCTStatus()

int ataReadSCTStatus ( ata_device device,
ata_sct_status_response sts 

Definition at line 2188 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadSCTTempHist()

int ataReadSCTTempHist ( ata_device device,
ata_sct_temperature_history_table tmh,
ata_sct_status_response sts 

Definition at line 2220 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadSelectiveSelfTestLog()

int ataReadSelectiveSelfTestLog ( ata_device device,
struct ata_selective_self_test_log data 

Definition at line 1184 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadSelfTestLog()

int ataReadSelfTestLog ( ata_device device,
ata_smart_selftestlog data,
firmwarebug_defs  firmwarebugs 

Definition at line 1013 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadSmartLog()

bool ataReadSmartLog ( ata_device device,
unsigned char  logaddr,
void *  data,
unsigned  nsectors 

Definition at line 1143 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadSmartThresholds()

int ataReadSmartThresholds ( ata_device device,
struct ata_smart_thresholds_pvt data 

Definition at line 1518 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataReadSmartValues()

int ataReadSmartValues ( ata_device device,
struct ata_smart_values data 

Definition at line 967 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime()

int ataSetSCTErrorRecoveryControltime ( ata_device device,
unsigned  type,
unsigned short  time_limit,
bool  power_on,
bool  mfg_default 

Definition at line 2516 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataSetSCTTempInterval()

int ataSetSCTTempInterval ( ata_device device,
unsigned  interval,
bool  persistent 

Definition at line 2363 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataSmartStatus2()

int ataSmartStatus2 ( ata_device device)

Definition at line 1604 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataSmartSupport()

int ataSmartSupport ( const ata_identify_device drive)

Definition at line 936 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataSmartTest()

int ataSmartTest ( ata_device device,
int  testtype,
bool  force,
const ata_selective_selftest_args selargs,
const ata_smart_values sv,
uint64_t  num_sectors 

Definition at line 1611 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataWriteLogExt()

bool ataWriteLogExt ( ata_device device,
unsigned char  logaddr,
unsigned  page,
void *  data,
unsigned  nsectors 

Definition at line 1080 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ ataWriteSelectiveSelfTestLog()

int ataWriteSelectiveSelfTestLog ( ata_device device,
ata_selective_selftest_args args,
const ata_smart_values sv,
uint64_t  num_sectors,
const ata_selective_selftest_args prev_args 

Definition at line 1213 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ check_multi_sector_sum()

static void check_multi_sector_sum ( const void *  data,
unsigned  nsectors,
const char *  msg 

Definition at line 1045 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ check_temp_range()

static bool check_temp_range ( int  t,
unsigned char  ut1,
unsigned char  ut2,
int &  lo,
int &  hi 

Definition at line 1903 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ check_temp_word()

static int check_temp_word ( unsigned  word)

Definition at line 1892 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ checksum()

unsigned char checksum ( const void *  data)

Definition at line 716 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ create_vendor_attribute_arg_list()

std::string create_vendor_attribute_arg_list ( )

Definition at line 262 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ fix_exterrlog_lba()

static void fix_exterrlog_lba ( ata_smart_exterrlog log,
unsigned  nsectors 

Definition at line 1478 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ fix_exterrlog_lba_cmd()

template<class T >
static void fix_exterrlog_lba_cmd ( T &  cmd)

Definition at line 1469 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ fixsamsungerrorlog()

static void fixsamsungerrorlog ( ata_smart_errorlog data)

Definition at line 1392 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ fixsamsungerrorlog2()

static void fixsamsungerrorlog2 ( ata_smart_errorlog data)

Definition at line 1414 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ fixsamsungselftestlog()

static void fixsamsungselftestlog ( ata_smart_selftestlog data)

Definition at line 996 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ get_parsed_ata_device()

ata_device * get_parsed_ata_device ( smart_interface intf,
const char *  dev_name 

Definition at line 2838 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ get_swapx_val()

template<typename T >
static T get_swapx_val ( x)

Definition at line 337 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ get_unc_attr_id()

unsigned char get_unc_attr_id ( bool  offline,
const ata_vendor_attr_defs defs,
bool &  increase 

Definition at line 53 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ get_valid_firmwarebug_args()

const char * get_valid_firmwarebug_args ( )

Definition at line 297 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ invalidate_serno()

static void invalidate_serno ( ata_identify_device id)

Definition at line 343 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ isGeneralPurposeLoggingCapable()

bool isGeneralPurposeLoggingCapable ( const ata_identify_device identity)

Definition at line 1769 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ isSmartErrorLogCapable()

bool isSmartErrorLogCapable ( const ata_smart_values data,
const ata_identify_device identity 

Definition at line 1731 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ isSmartTestLogCapable()

bool isSmartTestLogCapable ( const ata_smart_values data,
const ata_identify_device identity 

Definition at line 1750 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ parse_attribute_def()

bool parse_attribute_def ( const char *  opt,
ata_vendor_attr_defs defs,
ata_vendor_def_prior  priority 

Definition at line 149 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ parse_firmwarebug_def()

bool parse_firmwarebug_def ( const char *  opt,
firmwarebug_defs firmwarebugs 

Definition at line 277 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ preg()

static const char * preg ( const ata_register r,
char(&)  buf[8] 

Definition at line 382 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ prettyprint()

static void prettyprint ( const unsigned char *  p,
const char *  name 

Definition at line 409 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ print_regs() [1/2]

static void print_regs ( const char *  prefix,
const ata_in_regs r,
const char *  suffix = "\n" 

Definition at line 391 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ print_regs() [2/2]

static void print_regs ( const char *  prefix,
const ata_out_regs r,
const char *  suffix = "\n" 

Definition at line 400 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ smartcommandhandler()

int smartcommandhandler ( ata_device device,
smart_command_set  command,
int  select,
char *  data 

Definition at line 431 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ swap2()

void swap2 ( char *  location)

Definition at line 304 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ swap4()

void swap4 ( char *  location)

Definition at line 312 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ swap8()

void swap8 ( char *  location)

Definition at line 321 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ swapbytes()

static void swapbytes ( char *  out,
const char *  in,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 726 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ TestTime()

int TestTime ( const ata_smart_values data,
int  testtype 

Definition at line 1700 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ trim()

static void trim ( char *  out,
const char *  in 

Definition at line 735 of file atacmds.cpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ ata_debugmode

unsigned char ata_debugmode = 0

Definition at line 33 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ atacmds_cpp_cvsid

const char* atacmds_cpp_cvsid
Initial value:
= "$Id: atacmds.cpp 5456 2023-02-14 18:26:21Z chrfranke $"
Definition: atacmds.h:16

Definition at line 29 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ commandstrings

const char* const commandstrings[]
Initial value:

Definition at line 363 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ dont_print_serial_number

bool dont_print_serial_number = false

Definition at line 37 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ format_names

const format_name_entry format_names[]
Initial value:
= {
{"raw8" , RAWFMT_RAW8},
{"raw16" , RAWFMT_RAW16},
{"raw48" , RAWFMT_RAW48},
{"hex48" , RAWFMT_HEX48},
{"raw56" , RAWFMT_RAW56},
{"hex56" , RAWFMT_HEX56},
{"raw64" , RAWFMT_RAW64},
{"hex64" , RAWFMT_HEX64},
{"raw16(raw16)" , RAWFMT_RAW16_OPT_RAW16},
{"raw16(avg16)" , RAWFMT_RAW16_OPT_AVG16},
{"raw24(raw8)" , RAWFMT_RAW24_OPT_RAW8},
{"raw24/raw24" , RAWFMT_RAW24_DIV_RAW24},
{"raw24/raw32" , RAWFMT_RAW24_DIV_RAW32},
{"sec2hour" , RAWFMT_SEC2HOUR},
{"min2hour" , RAWFMT_MIN2HOUR},
{"halfmin2hour" , RAWFMT_HALFMIN2HOUR},
{"msec24hour32" , RAWFMT_MSEC24_HOUR32},
{"tempminmax" , RAWFMT_TEMPMINMAX},
{"temp10x" , RAWFMT_TEMP10X},
Definition: atacmds.h:669
Definition: atacmds.h:658
Definition: atacmds.h:660
Definition: atacmds.h:656
Definition: atacmds.h:665
Definition: atacmds.h:663
Definition: atacmds.h:659
Definition: atacmds.h:668
Definition: atacmds.h:654
Definition: atacmds.h:661
Definition: atacmds.h:667
Definition: atacmds.h:657
Definition: atacmds.h:655
Definition: atacmds.h:653
Definition: atacmds.h:666
Definition: atacmds.h:652
Definition: atacmds.h:664
Definition: atacmds.h:651
Definition: atacmds.h:662

Definition at line 103 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ map_old_vendor_opts

const char* const map_old_vendor_opts[][2]
Initial value:
= {
{ "9,halfminutes" , "9,halfmin2hour,Power_On_Half_Minutes"},
{ "9,minutes" , "9,min2hour,Power_On_Minutes"},
{ "9,seconds" , "9,sec2hour,Power_On_Seconds"},
{ "9,temp" , "9,tempminmax,Temperature_Celsius"},
{"192,emergencyretractcyclect" , "192,raw48,Emerg_Retract_Cycle_Ct"},
{"193,loadunload" , "193,raw24/raw24"},
{"194,10xCelsius" , "194,temp10x,Temperature_Celsius_x10"},
{"194,unknown" , "194,raw48,Unknown_Attribute"},
{"197,increasing" , "197,raw48+,Total_Pending_Sectors"},
{"198,offlinescanuncsectorct" , "198,raw48,Offline_Scan_UNC_SectCt"},
{"198,increasing" , "198,raw48+,Total_Offl_Uncorrectabl"},
{"200,writeerrorcount" , "200,raw48,Write_Error_Count"},
{"201,detectedtacount" , "201,raw48,Detected_TA_Count"},
{"220,temp" , "220,tempminmax,Temperature_Celsius"},

Definition at line 128 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ num_format_names

const unsigned num_format_names = sizeof(format_names)/sizeof(format_names[0])

Definition at line 125 of file atacmds.cpp.

◆ num_old_vendor_opts

const unsigned num_old_vendor_opts = sizeof(map_old_vendor_opts)/sizeof(map_old_vendor_opts[0])

Definition at line 145 of file atacmds.cpp.