
Version 5 (modified by Gabriele Pohl, 8 years ago) ( diff )

Link to new developer mailing list

Help Wanted - Maintainer for OpenBSD Port


You are an experienced user of OpenBSD and smartmontools and well connected in the OpenBSD community?

You are able to understand and write sourcecode in C and C++. You would like to support smartmontools development on the OpenBSD platform and are willing to invest some time in low level programming and testing?

Then we are looking for you! :-)

Don't hesitate and send a short introduction about yourself and your technical background to smartmontools developer mailing list.

Required Skills

Skill Level Experience
Operating System :: Modern (Vendor-Supported) Desktop Operating Systems :: OpenBSD Competent 2 yr - 5 yr
Programming Language :: C Competent 2 yr - 5 yr
Programming Language :: C++ Competent 2 yr - 5 yr


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