23 | | * {{{2018-10-17}}}: In the past we offered **daily builds** on [[https://builds.smartmontools.org|builds.smartmontools.org]]. Now we do automated builds **on every commit** to the [[/browser/trunk/smartmontools|repository]]. Read more about it in section [[#GitHubmirrorandCircleCIintegration|GitHub mirror and Circle CI integration]] below. |
24 | | * {{{2017-11-12}}}: Alexander Shaduri released [[https://gsmartcontrol.sourceforge.io/|version 1.1.3 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl). Available for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows. |
25 | | * {{{2017-07-30}}}: Our mailing lists moved from sourceforge to JPBerlin. '''(!) Please subscribe on the [/wiki/Help#Mailinglists new mailing lists]'''. |
26 | | * {{{2017-04-11}}}: We moved the [wiki:BadBlockHowto Bad block HOWTO for smartmontools] from the svn repository to the Trac wiki. So it is open now for your contributions of further recipes, case studies and comments. |