Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of News

Dec 1, 2024, 3:53:01 PM (4 months ago)
Christian Franke

Sync with start page


  • News

    v11 v12  
    99#!div class="wikipage"
    10 * {{{2022-02-28}}}: **We released [[|version 7.3 of Smartmontools]]. See the [[/browser/tags/RELEASE_7_3/smartmontools/NEWS|NEWS]] file and the [[/query?milestone=Release+7.3|ticket report]] to get a summary of the changes and new features.**
    11 * {{{2022-02-04}}}: **Alexander Shaduri released [[|version 1.1.4 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl). Available for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows.**
     10* {{{2024-11-26}}}: **[[|Alexander Shaduri]] released [[|version 2.0.1 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl).**
     11* {{{2024-01-03}}}: Project Trac and Wiki upgraded to the [[|latest 1.6 version]].
     12* {{{2023-09-16}}}: The CI builds at [[|]] are now reproducible if the same [[|SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH]], build recipes and toolchains are used.
     13* {{{2023-08-01}}}: **We released [[|version 7.4 of Smartmontools]]. See the [[/browser/tags/RELEASE_7_4/smartmontools/NEWS|NEWS]] file and the [[/query?milestone=Release+7.4|ticket report]] to get a summary of the changes and new features.**
     14* {{{2023-06-30}}}: CI builds ([[|]]) for macOS now support arm64 and x86_64 architectures, i386 requires build from source. This will also be the case for future release builds.
     15* {{{2022-10-10}}}: '''20th anniversary''' of [[/changeset/13|smartmontools first release]] - see also [[History|smartmontools history]].
     16* {{{2022-02-28}}}: We released [[|version 7.3 of Smartmontools]].
     17* {{{2022-02-04}}}: Alexander Shaduri released [[|version 1.1.4 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl).
    1218* {{{2021-10-23}}}: **There is a security issue if `smartd` is used conjunction with GNU mailutils < 3.13. See ticket #1535 for details and various possible fixes.**
    1319* {{{2020-12-30}}}: We released [[|version 7.2 of Smartmontools]].
    1420* {{{2019-12-30}}}: We released [[|version 7.1 of Smartmontools]].
    15 * {{{2019-12-01}}}: Smartmontools website **migrated to the new server**. Please [[#IncidentReports|let us know]] in case of any issues.
     21* {{{2019-12-01}}}: Smartmontools website **migrated to the new server**.
    1622* {{{2018-12-30}}}: We released [[|version 7.0 of Smartmontools]].
    17 * {{{2018-10-17}}}: In the past we offered **daily builds** on [[|]]. Now we do automated builds **on every commit** to the [[/browser/trunk/smartmontools|repository]]. Read more about it in section [[#GitHubmirrorandCircleCIintegration|GitHub mirror and Circle CI integration]] below.
     23* {{{2018-10-17}}}: In the past we offered **daily builds** on [[|]]. Now we do automated builds **on every commit** to the [[/browser/trunk/smartmontools|repository]].
    1824* {{{2018-03-04}}}: For multiple days now [[|Sourceforge is very unstable]]. Our downloads and SVN [[|are affected by their outages]]. **Please use our [[|github mirror]] and [[|download from there (github)]]** if you are experiencing any issues.
    1925* {{{2017-11-12}}}: Alexander Shaduri released [[|version 1.1.3 of GSmartControl]] (a graphical user interface for smartctl). Available for Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS X and Windows.