Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Howto_ReadSmartctlReports_ATA

Jun 22, 2014, 5:41:20 PM (10 years ago)
Gabriele Pohl

link to svn on this server


  • Howto_ReadSmartctlReports_ATA

    v19 v20  
    1010<b># smartctl <a href="../browser/trunk/smartmontools/" title="With this option, the report will not list the /Serial Number/ of the device. Use it, when you present smartctl reports in the public."><font color="blue">-q noserial</font></a> -a  /dev/sdb</b>
    11 smartctl <b><a href="FAQ#Whydidthereleaseversionschemechange" title="This is the /Version Number/ of smartmontools"><font color="red">5.39</font></a></b> 2009-09-04 <b><a href="" title="This is the /Revision Number/ of the sources in our SVN-Repository. So we know the exact version of each file, that was used to build your smartctl executable."><font color="red">r2902</font></a></b> [i686-pc-linux-gnu] (local build)
     11smartctl <b><a href="FAQ#Whydidthereleaseversionschemechange" title="This is the /Version Number/ of smartmontools"><font color="red">5.39</font></a></b> 2009-09-04 <b><a href="../browser/trunk/smartmontools?rev=2902" title="This is the /Revision Number/ of the sources in our SVN-Repository. So we know the exact version of each file, that was used to build your smartctl executable."><font color="red">r2902</font></a></b> [i686-pc-linux-gnu] (local build)
    1212Copyright (C) 2002-9 by Bruce Allen,
    3030Offline data collection status:  (0x82) Offline data collection activity
    3131                                        was completed without error.
    32                                         Auto Offline Data Collection: <b><a href="" title="Offline testing is to be carried out, automatically, on a regular scheduled basis. 'smartctl --offlineauto=on' enables it. The results of this automatic or immediate offline testing (data collection) are reflected in the values of the SMART Attributes. Some SMART attribute values are updated /only/ during off-line data collection activities. These Attributes are labeled /Offline/ in the UPDATED column of the Attribute Table (see below)."><font color="DarkGreen">Enabled</font></a></b>.
     32                                        Auto Offline Data Collection: <b><a href="" title="Offline testing is to be carried out, automatically, on a regular scheduled basis. 'smartctl --offlineauto=on' enables it. The results of this automatic or immediate offline testing (data collection) are reflected in the values of the SMART Attributes. Some SMART attribute values are updated /only/ during off-line data collection activities. These Attributes are labeled /Offline/ in the UPDATED column of the Attribute Table (see below)."><font color="DarkGreen">Enabled</font></a></b>.
    3333Self-test execution status:      (   0) The previous self-test routine completed
    3434                                        without error or no self-test has ever