
Feb 16, 2024:

4:35 PM Ticket #1809 (SK hynix SSD not in database (HFS1T9G32FEH-BA10A)) created by Rob Johnson
How do I get this drive added the smart tools database? Do later …

Feb 14, 2024:

5:32 PM Links edited by Alex Samorukov
Add information about prometheus exporter (diff)

Feb 12, 2024:

11:59 AM Ticket #1351 (InnoDisk Corp. - EDC 1SE2 H 64GB) closed by Christian Franke
fixed: r5110, r5111 work as expected, restoring ticket resolution.

Feb 11, 2024:

12:50 PM Ticket #1351 (InnoDisk Corp. - EDC 1SE2 H 64GB) reopened by softmove

Feb 5, 2024:

6:53 PM Ticket #1808 (add TS120GMTS820S to database) created by fumantsu
2:20 AM Ticket #1807 (Smartctl - Identify (--identify) to JSON) created by Nick
Hello, I have been using Smartctl for as long as I can remember, but …

Feb 1, 2024:

6:08 PM Ticket #1806 (JSON output for NVMe is missing info from 'smartctl -c') created by Richard Stephens
The JSON output mode appears to be missing the device's temparature …
6:01 PM Ticket #1805 (Dell SSD HFS1T9G32FEH-BA10A Not in Database) created by Rob Johnson
I'm not sure if the issue we are having in Proxmox is because the …

Jan 30, 2024:

9:29 PM Ticket #1804 (Patch for Toshiba MQ01ABF032) created by Cmdr_Zod
Please find attached the output of smartctl -x /dev/sdX and a patch to …

Jan 26, 2024:

11:51 AM Ticket #1803 (NVME support) closed by Christian Franke
invalid: NVMe is supported since smartmontools 6.5. No feedback from reporter.

Jan 24, 2024:

7:24 PM BadBlockHowto edited by Juergen
typo (diff)
11:30 AM Changeset [5597] by Christian Franke
Fix or disable all warnings from shellcheck.

Jan 23, 2024:

4:57 PM Changeset [5596] by Christian Franke
Makefile.am: Add target 'shellcheck'.
3:09 PM Changeset [5595] by Alex Samorukov
revert getversion.sh changes
8:35 AM Ticket #1803 (NVME support) created by bystrov.s
Please add support for ADATA SX8200PNP NVMe drive. What actions are …
3:06 AM Changeset [5594] by Alex Samorukov
getversion.sh: fix some minor issues and make shellcheck happy

Jan 19, 2024:

7:05 PM Changeset [5593] by Christian Franke
os_win32/installer.nsi: Avoid that code signing invalidates the …

Jan 18, 2024:

11:53 AM Ticket #1802 (add to drivedb: Hikvision HS-SSD-E100N 1024G) created by viktis
Could you add this drive to the smartmontools drivedb?
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.