
Jul 11, 2021:

10:13 AM Ticket #1507 (How to retrieve/set SCTERC NVME devices?) created by MrCalvin
I assume SCTERC is also relevant on NVME devices(?) and if so how do I …

Jul 9, 2021:

5:28 AM Ticket #1506 (Toshiba Canvio Basics HDTB440EK3CA (TOSHIBA MQ04UBB400, 0x0480:0x0900)) created by JennyH
Hi, It seems that my external Toshiba Canvio Basics 4 TB USB 3 hard …

Jul 5, 2021:

11:59 AM Ticket #1505 (smartd: only start self-test if temperature is low enough?) created by Célestin Matte
Hello, I'm using smartd with the following configuration: […] The …

Jun 26, 2021:

5:25 PM Ticket #1441 (smartctl exit status 4 if SAT layer ignores CK_COND) closed by Christian Franke
fixed: r5226.
5:20 PM Changeset [5227] by Christian Franke
ataidentify.cpp, ataprint.cpp: ACS-5 enhancements.
5:11 PM Changeset [5226] by Christian Franke
ataprint.cpp: Don't set bit 2 of exit status if ATA output registers …

Jun 24, 2021:

11:25 PM Supported_USB-Devices_idVendor-0x1000 edited by zacchi4k
11:24 PM Supported_USB-Devices_idVendor-0x1000 edited by zacchi4k
9:02 PM Ticket #1504 (WD Elements external hard drive errors with "not capable of SMART ...) created by kageurufu
I get the following error from smartd with one of my external drives, …

Jun 23, 2021:

11:38 AM Ticket #1503 (SanDisk SSD PLUS 2000GB not in Database) created by Jochen Schneider

Jun 21, 2021:

12:27 AM Supported_USB-Devices_idVendor-0x1000 edited by zamnuts
added OWC section with first entry, added innostor section heading to … (diff)

Jun 19, 2021:

4:48 PM Ticket #1487 (InnoStor IS611-based adapter errors -- what version firmware should be ...) closed by Christian Franke
invalid: Support question, no bug report.
6:27 AM Ticket #1502 (LaCie d2 PROFESSIONAL 0x059f:0x10b8 works with -d sat) created by Mark Petersen
I just bought an LaCie d2 PROFESSIONAL. And to my disappointment …
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