Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#8 closed defect (fixed)

USB devices are not autodetected by smartd DEVICESCAN

Reported by: Alex Samorukov Owned by: somebody
Priority: major Milestone: Experimental Release 5.39
Component: all Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Autodetection work perfectly with smartctl but not used at all in smartd. Tested on Linux and FreeBSD

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Christian Franke, 16 years ago

Milestone: Experimental Release 5.39
Owner: changed from somebody to Christian Franke
Status: newaccepted

Does autodetection also not work for devices specified in smartd.conf ?

If only DEVICESCAN is affected, then os_smart_interface::scan_smart_devices() returns objects of the wrong type to smartd.

comment:2 by Alex Samorukov, 16 years ago

No, if device is specified in smartd.conf then everything work correctly.

comment:3 by Christian Franke, 16 years ago

Summary: USB deviced are not autodtected with smartdUSB devices are not autodetected by smartd DEVICESCAN

comment:4 by Christian Franke, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from Christian Franke to somebody
Status: acceptedassigned

Linux: r2912.
FreeBSD: still open.

comment:5 by Alex Samorukov, 16 years ago

FreeBSD: r2917

Does it affect windows version?

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by Christian Franke, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Replying to samm2:

Does it affect windows version?

Yes. This is left open for now. The current USB ID detection through wmic.exe is slow and not tested on all Windows flavors.

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