Opened 15 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#79 closed patch (wontfix)

smartd opensolaris service defination

Reported by: grooverdan Owned by: somebody
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: smartd Version: 5.39.1
Keywords: solaris Cc:


Attached is an {open}solaris service definition. The configure script should alter some of the path names but otherwise should work flexibly.

An make install target could do something like:

	cp smartd.xml /var/svc/manifest/site/
	chown root:sys /var/svc/manifest/site/smartd.xml
	svccfg -v import /var/svc/manifest/site/smartd.xml

Documentation could say run 'svcadm enable smartd' to get it running

I'm still getting this error. I'm running out of time to debug it. Tips welcome.

svc:/system/smartd:default (SMART monitoring)
 State: maintenance since June  9, 2010 01:54:26 PM EST
Reason: Start method failed repeatedly, last exited with status 10.
   See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 1M smartd
   See: man -M /usr/share/man -s 4 smartd.conf
   See: /var/svc/log/system-smartd:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.


[ Jun  9 13:52:06 Rereading configuration. ]
[ Jun  9 13:54:26 Executing start method ("/usr/sbin/smartd -q never"). ]
[ Jun  9 13:54:26 Method "start" exited with status 10. ]
[ Jun  9 13:54:26 Executing start method ("/usr/sbin/smartd -q never"). ]
[ Jun  9 13:54:26 Method "start" exited with status 10. ]
[ Jun  9 13:54:26 Executing start method ("/usr/sbin/smartd -q never"). ]
[ Jun  9 13:54:26 Method "start" exited with status 10. ]

Attachments (1)

smartd.xml (2.4 KB ) - added by grooverdan 15 years ago.
smartd.xml service defination for {open}solaris

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by grooverdan, 15 years ago

Attachment: smartd.xml added

smartd.xml service defination for {open}solaris

comment:1 by grooverdan, 15 years ago

to install to /var/svc/manifest/site/ or /var/svc/manifest/system probably should be a configure option for packagers.

comment:2 by Christian Franke, 14 years ago

Keywords: smartd svc xml removed

in reply to:  1 comment:3 by Christian Franke, 14 years ago

Replying to grooverdan:

... The configure script should alter some of the path names but otherwise should work flexibly.

An make install target could do something like:


to install to /var/svc/manifest/site/ or /var/svc/manifest/system probably should be a configure option for packagers.

Could you possibly provide a patch for and ? Then we could add this to next release.

comment:4 by Christian Franke, 11 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

No feedback since 2010.

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