Opened 9 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#733 closed enhancement (duplicate)

New drive for the database: Sandisk SDLF1DAR-480G-1JA1 (CloudSpeed Gen. II Eco SSD)

Reported by: Dmitry Nosachev Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: Release 6.6
Component: drivedb Version: 6.5
Keywords: Cc:


Sandisk CloudSpeed Gen. II Eco 480GB SATA SSD, p/n SDLF1DAR-480G-1JA1
Please see the attached file.

Attachments (1)

smartctl-SanDisk-SDLF1DAR-480G-1JA1.txt (22.1 KB ) - added by Dmitry Nosachev 9 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by Dmitry Nosachev, 9 years ago

comment:1 by Dmitry Nosachev, 9 years ago

Output from SanDisk scli utility:

ID   Attribute Name                       Flags  Current  Worst  Threshold  RAW Value
---  -----------------------------------  -----  -------  -----  ---------  ------------
5    Reallocated Erase Block Count        33h    100      100    010        000000000000
9    Lifetime Power on Hours(POH)         32h    100      100    000        096300000010
13   Lifetime UECC Count                  12h    100      100    001        000000000000
32   Lifetime Write Amplification Factor  2h     100      100    000        000000000067
33   Write Amplification Factor           2h     100      100    000        000000000064
170  Reserve Erase Block Count            32h    100      100    000        000000001150
171  Program Fail Count                   32h    100      100    000        000000000000
172  Erase Fail Count                     32h    100      100    000        000000000000
175  Lifetime Die Failure Count           32h    100      100    000        000000000000
178  SSD Life Left (upto 0.01%)           12h    100      100    000        000000002700
183  Lifetime Link Rate Downgrade Count   32h    100      100    000        000000000000
191  Clean Shutdown Count                 32h    100      100    000        000000000003
192  Unclean Shutdown Count               32h    100      100    000        000000000000
194  Temperature                          22h    065      062    030        0000261B0023
196  Lifetime Retired Block Count         1Bh    100      100    010        000000000000
211  Read Disturb Reallocation Events     32h    100      100    000        000000000000
233  Lifetime NAND Writes                 32h    100      100    000        000000000000
235  Capacitor Health                     32h    100      100    000        000000000000
241  Lifetime User Writes                 32h    100      100    000        000000000000
242  Lifetime User Reads                  32h    100      100    000        000000000000
244  Thermal Throttle Activations         32h    100      100    000        000000000000
245  Percent of Drive Life Remaining      12h    100      100    002        000000000064
253  SPI Tests Remaining                  12h    100      100    001        000000000000

comment:2 by Christian Franke, 9 years ago


PS: Please do not set the Milestone in future submissions.

comment:3 by Alex Samorukov, 7 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Disk is already in the database

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