Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#341 closed defect (worksforme)

smartd tries to send Email even though it was not configured to do so.

Reported by: a_user Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: smartd Version: 6.2
Keywords: Cc:



I am using smartmontools/smartd 6.2 on Fedora 20. My smartd.conf file looks like this (all other lines are just empty or comments):

DEFAULT -H -s S/../../1/20 -p -f -l error -l xerror -n standby,q
/dev/sda -i 197 -i 198 -W 5,32,38 -s L/../01/./21
DEVICESCAN -W 10,37,42

smartd itself is started by systemd with this command line:

/usr/sbin/smartd -n -q never

I have 4 different disks attached to this computer (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd). At the time /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc got hotter than 37 degree Celsius smartd tried to start /usr/bin/esmtp to send an email. I didn't configure smartd to send any email (not using the -m or -M options). Am I missing something or does smartd behave wrong?

Additional info: although /dev/sdd has some uncorrectable sectors it is only logged to syslog, not to mail (as expected/configured). Seems like just the last line is incorrectly interpreted.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Christian Franke, 11 years ago

Component: allsmartd

Smartd should not send any email (which means run the /etc/smartmontools/ script) if no -m directive is specified. If sending mail, it should use mail program instead of esmtp (see os_mailer="mail" in the script).

Please check LOG_INFO syslog output for lines like:

  ... smartd[PID]: Device: /dev/sdX, Temperature changed ...
  ... smartd[PID]: Device: /dev/sdX, Temperature ... reached critical limit ...
  ... smartd[PID]: Sending warning via PROGRAM to ADDRESS... 

If the latter is not present, no mail has been sent by smartd.

Make sure that no syslog monitoring tool is running that itself sends emails.

comment:2 by a_user, 11 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

You are probably right, I mixed something up. The output you wrote does not happen and the mailer of smartd is mail (it is not configured to be something else).
The mail is not sent by smartd.

Sorry for wasting your time and thanks for providing smartmontools!

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