Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#227 closed enhancement (fixed)

Intel 330 Support

Reported by: gnargl Owned by: Christian Franke
Priority: minor Milestone: Release 5.43
Component: drivedb Version: 5.42
Keywords: Cc:


When using smartctl with my Intel 330 SSD, two things caught my eye:

  • The unknown attribute #249: According to [1], this should be the total number of NAND writes.
  • The "Power_On_Hours" attribute: smartctl 5.42 returned some permanently changing number, so I tried the current trunk version. Now the values is returned as 4 numbers; the first one seems to be the number of hours plus a big offset, but what do the three in the brackets mean? The last one is always zero and the first one overflows from 255 to 0 after about a minute. If they are just the values of the "remaining three bytes" mentioned in [1], then the firmware probably returns garbage. Any Hints?

[1] Intel Solid-State Drive 330 Series Specification,

Attachments (1)

smartctlIntel330.txt (2.8 KB ) - added by gnargl 13 years ago.
output of "smartctl -q noserial -i -A -l devstat /dev/sda"

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by gnargl, 13 years ago

Attachment: smartctlIntel330.txt added

output of "smartctl -q noserial -i -A -l devstat /dev/sda"

comment:1 by gnargl, 13 years ago

Component: allsmartctl

in reply to:  description comment:2 by Christian Franke, 13 years ago

Component: smartctldrivedb
Milestone: Release 5.43
Owner: changed from somebody to Christian Franke
Status: newaccepted

Replying to gnargl:

the first one seems to be the number of hours plus a big offset, but what do the three in the brackets mean?

These are the upper bytes from the 48-bit raw value. SandForce based devices typically use a 32-bit hours count and a 24-bit milliseconds count. This device will be added to drivedb.h soon. Meantime try -v 9,msec24hour32.

The very large 890000+ initial hours count is probably a firmware bug and was also reported for Intel 520. My request in Intel Forum provided no result. Device statistics apparently reports the correct hours count.

comment:3 by Christian Franke, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed
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