Opened 7 weeks ago

Last modified 7 weeks ago

#1900 new enhancement

WD Green 2.5 1000GB not in database: Attaching short self-test log

Reported by: falaca Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: unscheduled
Component: drivedb Version:
Keywords: ssd Cc:


I have a WD Green 2.5" 1TB SATA SSD, which is currently not in the smartctl drive database. I followed the instructions from the FAQ to run the short self-test (after updating to the latest database) and I am attaching the resulting log to this ticket. There's quite a few unrecognized attributes so I hope it will not be too much trouble to have this added.

If there is anything else that I can do, please let me know, and thank you in advance!

Attachments (1)

smartctl-WD-Green-2.5-1000GB.txt (7.2 KB ) - added by falaca 7 weeks ago.
Output of "smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/sda"

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

by falaca, 7 weeks ago

Output of "smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/sda"

comment:1 by Christian Franke, 7 weeks ago

Component: alldrivedb
Keywords: ssd added
Milestone: unscheduled
Type: defectenhancement
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