Opened 7 weeks ago

Last modified 7 weeks ago

#1861 new defect

Double entry in drivedb for 'INTEL SSDSC2BA200G4' — at Initial Version

Reported by: Stephan Trebs Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: undecided
Component: drivedb Version: 7.4
Keywords: ssd Cc:


Intel SSD DC 3710 (INTEL SSDSC2BA200G4) is detected as 'Intel 730 and DC S35x0/3610/3700 Series SSDs' by this entry in drivedb:


{ "Intel 730 and DC S35x0/3610/3700 Series SSDs", tested with INTEL SSDSC2BP480G4, SSDSC2BB120G4/D2010355,

INTEL SSDSC2BB800G4T, SSDSC2BA200G3/5DV10250, SSDSC2BB080G6/G2010130, SSDSC2BX200G4/G2010110,
INTEL SSDSC2BB016T6/G2010140, SSDSC2BX016T4/G2010140, SSDSC2BB150G7/N2010101,

"INTEL SSDSC(1N|2B)[ABPX]((080|100|120|150|160|200|240|300|400|480|600|800)[GH][3467][CERT]?|(012|016)T[46])",

A = S3700, B*4 = S3500, B*6 = S3510, P = 730, X = S3610
Dell ships drives with model of the form SSDSC2BB120G4R

"", "",

"-v 3,raw16(avg16),Spin_Up_Time "
"-v 4,raw48,Start_Stop_Count "
"-v 5,raw16(raw16),Reallocated_Sector_Ct "
"-v 9,raw24(raw8),Power_On_Hours "
"-v 12,raw48,Power_Cycle_Count "

"-v 170,raw48,Available_Reservd_Space "
"-v 171,raw48,Program_Fail_Count "
"-v 172,raw48,Erase_Fail_Count "
"-v 174,raw48,Unsafe_Shutdown_Count "
"-v 175,raw16(raw16),Power_Loss_Cap_Test "
"-v 183,raw48,SATA_Downshift_Count "

"-v 184,raw48,End-to-End_Error "
"-v 187,raw48,Reported_Uncorrect "

"-v 190,tempminmax,Temperature_Case "
"-v 192,raw48,Unsafe_Shutdown_Count "
"-v 194,tempminmax,Temperature_Internal "

"-v 197,raw48,Current_Pending_Sector "

"-v 199,raw48,CRC_Error_Count "
"-v 225,raw48,Host_Writes_32MiB "
"-v 226,raw48,Workld_Media_Wear_Indic " Timed Workload Media Wear Indicator (percent*1024)
"-v 227,raw48,Workld_Host_Reads_Perc "
Timed Workload Host Reads Percentage
"-v 228,raw48,Workload_Minutes " 226,227,228 can be reset by 'smartctl -t vendor,0x40'

"-v 232,raw48,Available_Reservd_Space "
"-v 233,raw48,Media_Wearout_Indicator "

"-v 234,raw24/raw32:04321,Thermal_Throttle "
"-v 241,raw48,Host_Writes_32MiB "
"-v 242,raw48,Host_Reads_32MiB "
"-v 243,raw48,NAND_Writes_32MiB " S3510/3610
"-F xerrorlba"
tested with SSDSC2BB600G4/D2010355



There is a second different entry that could match but it is never used:

{ "Intel 3710 Series SSDs", INTEL SSDSC2BA200G4R/G201DL2B (dell)

"INTEL SSDSC2BA(200G|400G|800G|012T)4.?",
"", "",
"-v 9,msec24hour32,Power_On_Hours_and_Msec "
"-v 170,raw48,Available_Reservd_Space "
"-v 171,raw48,Program_Fail_Count "
"-v 172,raw48,Erase_Fail_Count "
"-v 174,raw48,Unexpect_Power_Loss_Ct "
"-v 183,raw48,SATA_Downshift_Count "
"-v 187,raw48,Uncorrectable_Error_Cnt "
"-v 225,raw48,Host_Writes_32MiB "
"-v 226,raw48,Workld_Media_Wear_Indic "
"-v 227,raw48,Workld_Host_Reads_Perc "
"-v 228,raw48,Workload_Minutes "
"-v 234,raw24/raw32:04321,Thermal_Throttle "
"-v 243,raw48,NAND_Writes_32MiB "



So the second entry can probably be removed because it is never used.

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