Opened 14 months ago

Closed 14 months ago

Last modified 14 months ago

#1794 closed enhancement (fixed)

drivedb.h: Toshiba MG-Series improvement

Reported by: S.Haupt Owned by: Christian Franke
Priority: minor Milestone: Release 7.5
Component: drivedb Version: 7.4
Keywords: hdd Cc: S.Haupt

Description (last modified by Alex Samorukov)

Dear Smartmontools-Team,

I propose an update to the drivedb.h file in order to correctly support the Toshiba MG-Series harddrives. The current Regexes do not cover all drive models (especially the SAS-Models are not covered). The proposed changes can be found in the attached diff file.

Information on the MG-Series drives are sourced from this Toshiba datasheet:

Toshiba Model numbers have the following meaning:

1-4   Series Number
       MGnn: with nn in 04,05,05,06,07,08,09,10
5     Interface
       A: SATA
       S: SAS
6     RPM
       C: 7,200 rpm
7     Height
       A: 26.1 mm
       F: unknown
8-10  Formatted Capacity
       400: 4 TByte
       600: 6 TByte
       800: 8 TByte
       10T: 10 TByte
       12T: 12 TByte
       14T: 14 TByte
       16T: 16 TByte
       20T: 20 TByte
       22T: 22 TByte
11-12 Options
       A: 4K Native (4Kn) AF
       E: 512 B Emulation (512e) AF
       N: 512 B Native (512n) Format
       AY: 4K Native (4Kn) AF and SIE ( Sanitize Instant Erase )
       EY: 512 B Emulation (512e) AF and SIE ( Sanitize Instant Erase )
       NY: 512 B Native (512n) Format and SIE ( Sanitize Instant Erase )

See also:

However, I belive this support page describing the model numbers is not 100% correct!

I hope that helps improving smartmontools.

Best regards

Attachments (4)

drivedb.h.MG-Series.diff (2.2 KB ) - added by S.Haupt 14 months ago.
drivedb.h diff file containing improvements for the Toshiba MG-Series drives
drivedb.h.MG-Series_v2.diff (2.0 KB ) - added by S.Haupt 14 months ago.
drivedb.h for Toshiba MG-Series drives (excluding SAS-Drives)
smartctl-TOSHIBA_MG08ADA800E.txt (17.4 KB ) - added by S.Haupt 14 months ago.
Output of smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/ada4 > smartctl-TOSHIBA_MG08ADA800E.txt
smartctl-TOSHIBA_MG06ACA800E.txt (19.6 KB ) - added by S.Haupt 14 months ago.
Output of smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/sdl > smartctl-TOSHIBA_MG06ACA800E.txt

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (11)

by S.Haupt, 14 months ago

Attachment: drivedb.h.MG-Series.diff added

drivedb.h diff file containing improvements for the Toshiba MG-Series drives

comment:1 by S.Haupt, 14 months ago

More precise description of my interpretation of:

I belive this file is correct until the MG04- or MG05-Series.

However, in later series it seems the interface speed field is also being used for indicating the drive capacity as drives with more than 9 TB came out.

comment:2 by Alex Samorukov, 14 months ago

Description: modified (diff)

in reply to:  description comment:3 by Christian Franke, 14 months ago

Keywords: hdd added; toshiba mg-series removed
Milestone: undecided
Priority: majorminor

Replying to S.Haupt:

... The current Regexes do not cover all drive models (especially the SAS-Models are not covered).

SAS drives are not included to the database, see the FAQ.

This results in File not found.

Toshiba Model numbers have the following meaning: ...

Such a model number scheme does not imply that each combination actually exists.

Please note that the entries for the MG06-MG10 (12-22TB) SATA drives were done based on information directly received from Toshiba Europe.

Please provide a list of identify strings or (if possible) smartctl -x -a ... outputs of actual drives not matched.

by S.Haupt, 14 months ago

Attachment: drivedb.h.MG-Series_v2.diff added

drivedb.h for Toshiba MG-Series drives (excluding SAS-Drives)

comment:4 by S.Haupt, 14 months ago

Dear Christian

Sorry for the incomplete link.
Here is the correct one, I have used:

Various other documents with the drives numbers can be found on the Toshiba Storage website:

As I was not aware that SAS drives are not included in the DB, therefore I regarded them in the regexes. I will modify the database file and remove the SAS drives. Therefore just '[AS]' must be replaced by 'S'. I attached an updated diff file.

I have two MG08ADA800E and one MG06ACA800E drives for testing.
However, I also used the drive numbers that were already listed in the comments inside drivedb.h and the numbers from the datasheets.

For testing I used this command:
smartctl -P showall 'TOSHIBA <Drive Number>'

<Drive Number> has been replaced by the drive numbers from the PDF.

I checked the following <Drive Number> from the PDF:

Air/CMR Drives


Helium/CMR Drives


Helium/MAMR Drives


by S.Haupt, 14 months ago

Output of smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/ada4 > smartctl-TOSHIBA_MG08ADA800E.txt

by S.Haupt, 14 months ago

Output of smartctl -q noserial -x /dev/sdl > smartctl-TOSHIBA_MG06ACA800E.txt

comment:5 by Christian Franke, 14 months ago

Milestone: undecidedRelease 7.5
Owner: set to Christian Franke
Status: newaccepted

I will add the missing drives soon. Model family names were coordinated with Toshiba Europe and will therefore be left unchanged for now.

comment:6 by Christian Franke, 14 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: acceptedclosed

comment:7 by S.Haupt, 14 months ago

Works as exprected.
Thanks for the quick implementation.

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