Opened 17 months ago

Last modified 12 months ago

#1756 new enhancement

USB-A/USB-C flash Kingston DataTraveller Max (0x0951:0x177f)

Reported by: Andrius Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: undecided
Component: drivedb Version:
Keywords: usb nand Cc:



I have several these usb flash memory keys, 256 GiB - 1 TiB. They are not detected by default command line by --xall command. Yet, they are partially detected by "-d sat" option. Hereby I attach relevant information in several files. Perhaps it is possible to offer full support, or at least de-clutter output of smartctl to usable one.



P.S. these are perfect work-horses for storage needs.

Change History (14)

comment:1 by Andrius, 17 months ago

Feel free to request any additional data. Your work is highly appreciated! Ours bare minimum is quality feedback.

comment:2 by Christian Franke, 17 months ago

Keywords: ssd,usb → ssd usb
Milestone: unscheduled
Summary: USB-A/USB-C flash Kingston DataTraveller MaxUSB-A/USB-C flash Kingston DataTraveller Max (0x0951:0x177f)

The output suggests that the drive firmware only implements a subset of SAT which only supports ATA IDENTIFY and ATA SMART READ DATA commands. This limitation cannot be fixed by smartctl.

Note that USB flash drives normally do not provide any SMART information.

PS: there is no need to provide *.csv files also as a *.ods variant.

comment:3 by Andrius, 17 months ago

Noted. Meanwhile:

  1. Is it possible to include drive in DB file, while skipping all non-working/irrelevant output, leaving what is meaningful? Like some kind of output "mangling"?
  1. May you please suggest any USB thumb-sticks (or a method to search driveDB?), which support S.M.A.R.T. acceptably? For example, I use Corsair Voyager GTX - it has almost full support of S.M.A.R.T. interface.

comment:4 by Christian Franke, 17 months ago

  1. No, the drivedb only controls ATA attribute display and usb device type selection.
  1. Sorry, no. USB drives are accessed via SCSI protocol, so there is no need for ATA-like diagnostic functionality (see tickets #1422, #1486).

comment:5 by Christian Franke, 12 months ago

Keywords: nand added; ssd removed
Milestone: unscheduledundecided

USB Id added in r5600, r5602.

Leaving ticket open as undecided because the attribute set is still unknown.

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