Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#1626 new enhancement

Please add Verbatim Vi550 S3 (Maxio) to the database

Reported by: Cmdr_Zod Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: undecided
Component: drivedb Version: 7.2
Keywords: ssd Cc:


This is a 2.5" SSD with a Maxio MAS1102A-B1C
The Drive is also sold with 256GB, 512GB and 1TB Capacity.
My drive has one of four possible Flash chips soldered to the PCB, I don't know if all versions are using the same controller. The 1TB version has the lowest write speed according to the specs, so they might be doing something different there. I don't own the other versions, so I can't compare them.

Change History (8)

by Cmdr_Zod, 3 years ago

comment:1 by Christian Franke, 3 years ago

Milestone: undecided

This is a 2.5" SSD with a Maxio MAS1102A-B1C

Interestingly attribute set matches Silicon Motion based SSDs but not JMicron/Maxiotek based SSDs.

comment:2 by Cmdr_Zod, 3 years ago

The model number was hard to read, but the Maxio-Logo is easily recognizable.
I can provide pictures if needed, but I don't think this will bring us any further. :-)

comment:3 by Christian Franke, 3 years ago

Some websites say this device has as Phison PS3111. Possibly different devices sold under same marketing name.

Missing attributes in some entries:
JMicron/Maxiotek based SSDs: 164 165 166 245
Phison Driven SSDs: 164 165 166
Silicon Motion based SSDs: none

comment:4 by Christian Franke, 3 years ago

Possibly different devices sold under same marketing name.

This ticket:

Device Model:     Vi550 S3 SSD
Firmware Version: SN07373  <== syntax not yet seen for SSD FW
User Capacity:    128,035,676,160 bytes [128 GB]

Ticket #1629:

Device Model:     Verbatim Vi550 S3
Firmware Version: U1124A0  <== typical syntax for Silicon Motion FW
User Capacity:    128,035,676,160 bytes [128 GB]

Smartctl outputs also differ considerably (attributes, log directory, self-tests, SCT, sataphy).

comment:5 by Christian Franke, 3 years ago

Summary: Please add Verbatim Vi550 S3 to the databasePlease add Verbatim Vi550 S3 (Maxio) to the database

comment:6 by Cmdr_Zod, 3 years ago

Could it theoretically be a counterfeit product? I got it in used condition without packaging, but it doesn't look obviously counterfeit. And I don't see why someone would counterfeit a lowend SSD from a relatively unknown manufacturer.
Verbatim seems to also use Maxio Controllers in other products, see #1480
Unfortunately I don't have a need for a lowend SSD right now, otherwise I would just purchase a second one in original packaging to compare :-)

comment:7 by Christian Franke, 2 years ago

Another different attribute set for a drive with same marketing name possibly using a Maxio controller has been reported in GH issues/185.

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