Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#1203 closed patch (duplicate)

Update Apacer SMART Feature

Reported by: kobegao Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: drivedb Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Dear JPBerlin,

I am Apacer Software Engineer, and we want add new smart feature in smartmontool.The drivedb.h modified in attachment, I add Information as below:

  { "Apacer SSD",
    "[0-9]{1,3}(G|T)B SATA Flash Drive",
    "SF(D[^ABCD]|M[A-Z]|P[A-Z])[0-9A-Z][0-9]{2}[A-Z]", "",
    "-v 9,raw48,Power_On_Hours "
    "-v 12,raw48,Power_Cycle_Count "
    "-v 163,raw48,Max_Erase_Count "
    "-v 164,raw48,Average_Erase_Count "
    "-v 166,raw48,Total_Later_Bad_Block_Count "
    "-v 167,raw48,SSD_Protect_Mode "
    "-v 168,raw48,SATA_PHY_Error_Count "
    "-v 171,raw48,Program_Fail_Count "
    "-v 172,raw48,Erase_Fail_Count "
    "-v 175,raw48,Bad_Cluster_Table_Count "
    "-v 192,raw48,Unexpected_Power_Loss_Count "
    "-v 231,raw48,Lifetime_Left "
    "-v 241,raw48,Total_Sectors_Of_Write "

Could you help to update the database? Or Is any other information must provided by us?

Thanks for help.

Best Regards,

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Christian Franke, 6 years ago

Priority: majorminor
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Same entry as ticket #1202.

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