Opened 7 years ago

#1067 new enhancement

Add Samsung specific NVMe pass-through access via NVMe Security commands

Reported by: Christian Franke Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: undecided
Component: all Version: 6.6
Keywords: nvme Cc:


Samsung 950 Pro and possibly other Samsung NVMe SSDs provide an alternative NMVe pass-through channel via vendor specific NVMe Security commands (Security Protocol 0xFE).

This could be used as an alternative access path if the NVMe driver does not provide a NVMe pass-through I/O-control. The driver must implement NVMe to SCSI translation of NVMe Security Receive/Send to SCSI SECURITY PROTOCOL IN/OUT commands.

Further info could be found in the sourcecode of CrystalDiskInfo (C++) and Naraeon NVMe Tools (Delphi).

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