Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#1063 closed defect (worksforme)

smartd_mailer.ps1 does not work

Reported by: Mateus Henrique Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: smartd Version: 6.6
Keywords: smartd.conf windows Cc:


Hi all.

Firstly, thx for this great software contribuition.
I'm having problems with experimental email sender feature of Windows version (PowerShell). How this really works?

Well....We have bin folder structure script/conf files:



According wiki ( and my understanding, first we need to create/manage directives to determine actions.
Ex: Generate Logs by bad blocks, bad life hard disk and send mail...

I'm using Windows 10 release 1803 x64 and version 6.6.207-11-05 r4594 (sf-6.6.1)
My problem, is now...

  1. What hierarchy of setting up files? Who file come's first, who depend who, who call who? Basically: smartd.conf => smartd_warning.cmd => defines what mail sender => smartd_mailer.ps1 => read SMTP data => smartd_mailer.conf.sample.ps1 Is that correct?

  1. smartd.conf call smartd_warning.cmd with -M exec? But, in the wiki says:

If the file EXEDIR/smartd_mailer.conf.ps1 is present and '-M exec' is not specified, the script smartd_mailer.ps1 is used instead.
This script uses the Send-MailMessage cmdlet to send mail. See EXEDIR/smartd_mailer.conf.sample.ps1 for info about the format of the configuration file.

  1. smartd_warning.cmd verify what's and call default mailer.

if smartd_mailer.ps1 exists, AND -M exec directive not specified, automatically will use PowerShell method, right?

  1. About script smartd_warning.cmd, When I run, he everytime say: "smartd_warning.cmd: SMARTD_ADDRESS or SMARTD_MAILER must be set"

How I can set these variables?
I just tried uncomenting echo, and increment values to specified vars.

  1. How I can test if a mail is working correctly? I trying but no success. Using -M test not working.


Change History (3)

in reply to:  description comment:1 by Christian Franke, 7 years ago

Component: allsmartd
Keywords: smartd.conf windows added; help mail powershell not work removed
Summary: Help about basic to work.smartd_mailer.ps1 does not work

This is a bug tracker, not a support forum. For future support questions, please use the smartmontools-support mailing list instead.

in reply to:  description comment:2 by Christian Franke, 7 years ago

Replying to Mateus Henrique:

  1. What hierarchy of setting up files? Who file come's first, who depend who, who call who?

If smartd.conf specifies -m ADDRESS, then smartd.exe always runs smartd_warning.cmd. Parameters are passed via environment (SMARTD_ADDRESS=ADDRESS, see man page for others). If -M exec PATH is not specified (SMARTD_MAILER unset) and smartd_mailer.conf.ps1 is present, then smartd_warning.cmd runs smartd_mailer.ps1.

  1. smartd.conf call smartd_warning.cmd with -M exec? ...

Never(!) use smartd_warning.cmd or smartd_mailer.ps1 as -M exec parameter. If -M exec PATH is specified, smartd.exe sets SMARTD_MAILER=PATH and then smartd_warning.cmd runs the executable at PATH.

  1. smartd_warning.cmd verify what's and call default mailer.

if smartd_mailer.ps1 exists, AND -M exec directive not specified, automatically will use PowerShell method, right?

No. If smartd_mailer.conf.ps1 is not present, smartd_warning.cmd will use blat.exe to send mail.

  1. About script smartd_warning.cmd, When I run, he everytime say: "smartd_warning.cmd: SMARTD_ADDRESS or SMARTD_MAILER must be set"

How I can set these variables?

C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin>smartd_warning.cmd
smartd_warning.cmd: SMARTD_ADDRESS or SMARTD_MAILER must be set

C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin>set

C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin>smartd_warning.cmd
[No output -> Mail sent to]

C:\Program Files\smartmontools\bin>smartd_warning.cmd --dryrun
... [Long debug output, no mail sent]
  1. How I can test if a mail is working correctly? I trying but no success. Using -M test not working.

If -M test does not work, please run smartd -q onecheck in an admin console and provide its output and the smartd.conf used. Use an attachment or wiki markup for preformatted text (do not use screenshots).

comment:3 by Christian Franke, 7 years ago

Milestone: undecided
Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

The script smartd_mailer.ps1 works as expected. No feedback from reporter.

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