Custom Query (109 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1153 Command timeout occurred when I used the command "smartctl -C -t short" on HDD test defect critical smartctl
#1241 BUG: Dead ssd during Extended test (KingDian S200) defect critical all
#19 smartmontools-5.38 repeatedly freeze Macbook (OS X) cooties defect major smartd
#26 megaraid doest show info somebody defect major all
#46 With two channels LSI Raid, smartctl check always the first one. Alex Samorukov defect major all
#48 cciss bug smartd/smartd with amd64 architecture somebody defect major all
#54 os_linux.cpp: Implement linux_marvell_device::ata_pass_through() somebody enhancement major all
#92 smartd does not support SATA disk under cciss somebody defect major all
#93 os_linux.cpp: Use SG_IO instead of deprecated SCSI ioctl somebody defect major all
#133 add support for Micron Technology USB SSD please somebody enhancement major all
#139 smartctl can not modify CCTL ( TLER equivalent) on Hitachi UltraStar on LSI 1068 SAS controller. somebody defect major all
#140 INQUIRY failed on LSI MegaRaid adapter somebody defect major all
#161 sas disks connected to 3ware sas controllers support somebody enhancement major all
#204 Illegal request CDBs submit to some models of Fujitsu SCSI disks somebody defect major all
#216 xerror NUM incorrect minor number printed somebody defect major all
#242 Adding Support for USB 2.0 IDE Adapter (ID 05e3:0702) somebody enhancement major all
#243 Request adding LSI megaraid card support on windows somebody enhancement major all
#253 Add Highpoint RocketRAID support (hptiop) Alex Samorukov enhancement major all
#254 Smartctl 5.38 testing SAS HDD issue somebody defect major smartctl
#255 Smartctl 5.43 testing issue in Suse 10 (LSI 1064E) somebody defect major smartctl
#278 Adaptec 7 series and SATA disks problem somebody defect major all
#285 unsupported highpoint rocketraid 3520 somebody defect major all
#286 48-bit ATA commands not supported on OS X somebody enhancement major all
#289 Intel 520 Series SSDs incorrect Power_On_Hours_and_Msec somebody defect major all
#305 smartctl loses 1 byte from response to scsiModeSense in FreeBSD Alex Samorukov defect major all
#327 StarTech USB SATDOCK2REU3 (Prolific PL2775 chipset) support? somebody enhancement major drivedb
#604 smartctl cannot get drive status behind marvell hardware raid1 chip enhancement major all
#749 [PATCH] ataprint.cpp Print missing the Valid Value bit in ACS-3 Device Statistics Flags patch major smartctl
#800 "can't get bus number" issue with MegaRAID on ESXi enhancement major all
#1607 Bug with Seagate BarraCuda 3.5 (SMR) ST8000DM004-2U9188 on amd64 defect major smartctl
#1888 Add support for SanDisk Extreme Portable SSD on macOS (0x174c:0x2362) enhancement major all
#12 smartmontools: In Self-test log, LifeTime wraps at 65536 hours somebody enhancement minor all
#14 ``Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius'' is confusing to parse somebody enhancement minor all
#33 SMART Automatic Offline Testing periodicity Dan Lukes enhancement minor all
#71 os_freebsd.cpp: Implement freebsd_highpoint_device::ata_pass_through() somebody enhancement minor all
#72 XML-Output somebody enhancement minor smartctl
#76 DEVICESCAN smartd not working on opensolaris snv_134 somebody defect minor smartd
#77 smartd to include fma on opensolaris somebody enhancement minor smartd
#79 smartd opensolaris service defination somebody patch minor smartd
#82 danger of high Load_Cycle_Count and WD 'Intelli-park' self-destruction "feature" somebody enhancement minor smartd
#98 Error SMART Status command failed somebody defect minor all
#129 209480318976 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors somebody defect minor all
#134 smartctrl will not detect USB Hub D-Link DUB-H7 Christian Franke enhancement minor drivedb
#164 Attribute table: re-arrange columns placing TYPE after NAME help to clarify meaning somebody enhancement minor smartctl
#172 Windows XP x64 smartctl support for 3ware Christian Franke enhancement minor all
#177 Workaround for broken I/O-control of silicon-image 3114 windows driver Christian Franke enhancement minor all
#181 Print WWN of SCSI devices somebody enhancement minor all
#205 Request for 3ware stdin support to smartctl in Linux enhancement minor smartctl
#217 Add phpBB to Hosted Apps! somebody enhancement minor all
#228 Powermode does not seem to work on Mac OS X (Darwin) somebody enhancement minor all
#233 Impossible to access to the physical disks behind a 3Ware 9650 RAID card Christian Franke defect minor all
#245 Incorrectly displayed values ​​SCT ERC (5734.5 second) somebody defect minor smartctl
#273 Support for Mylex AcceleRAID controllers somebody enhancement minor all
#303 In smart test captive mode, extend the timeout as described by the ATA device Christian Franke defect minor smartctl
#309 Use drive letter of Truecrypt mounted drive in Windows somebody defect minor smartctl
#330 Smartctl support for LSI 2008 sas2 on Windows somebody enhancement minor all
#340 Dell H800 Perc Smart Attributes Multiple Drives Kevin Rogers enhancement minor smartctl
#500 ServeRAID M5015 support enhancement minor all
#501 make smartctl into a library enhancement minor all
#509 Support pass-through for JMicron 322/363 enhancement minor all
#520 smartd should provide socket interface enhancement minor all
#540 smartd config option to monitor only boot drive enhancement minor smartd
#547 smartctl -H same output for SCSI and ATA devices enhancement minor smartctl
#615 Apple TS0256F shows spurious FAILING_NOW results defect minor smartctl
#623 USB enclosure SK-3500 Super-S enhancement minor all
#633 Bad Block Instructions - mdadm Alex Samorukov enhancement minor all
#634 Do not operate on drives which are security locked by password enhancement minor all
#658 Many (long) HDD default timeouts cause data loss or corruption (silent controller resets) enhancement minor smartctl
#680 "LifeTime(hours)" wrap around in SMART's self-test log enhancement minor smartctl
#698 Support nvme nvd device IDs Alex Samorukov enhancement minor Release 7.0 all
#743 InnoDisk Satadom i100 enhancement minor drivedb
#768 Confusing unit used on SAMSUNG MZ7LN512HCHP defect minor drivedb
#770 [Future Req./Bug] using smartctl in SMSC Buffalo USB Ext-HDD doesn't work enhancement minor drivedb
#774 Add machine-readable output formating enhancement minor smartctl
#836 SanDisk SDSSDP064G: Bogus Power_On_Hours raw value enhancement minor all
#856 PERC 5/i and PERC 6 HDD SMART reading enhancement minor all
#947 Windows 10 To Go: IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY(NVMe) failed, Error=1117 defect minor all
#966 JMicron bridge JMS56x series (152d:0562) not supported Christian Franke enhancement minor drivedb
#1009 Please add to the Smartmontools Database enhancement minor drivedb
#1027 Establish standard generic method of defining vendor unique NVMe statistics enhancement minor all
#1054 Unknown USB bridge 0x26bd:0x9917 enhancement minor all
#1064 RFE: add O_RDRW mode for sat/scsi/ata devices enhancement minor all
#1080 smartd.service: Use Type=forking to wait for successful initialisation defect minor smartd
#1125 drivedb.h not up to date when smartmontools is downloaded enhancement minor all
#1127 -l selftest should display current power on/lifetime hours enhancement minor smartctl
#1132 attrlog files contains attribute strings for SCSI disks, but attribute numbers for ATA disks defect minor smartd
#1156 Add more prominent warning if SMART features are disabled/impaired enhancement minor smartctl
#1186 Under CentOS 7.5, smartctl fails to read SMART data on changed drive behind MegaRAID defect minor all
#1204 Device addition: PQI SSD S525 enhancement minor drivedb
#1328 Misleading/ unprecises error message enhancement minor all
#1334 add Windows Support for LSI/Broadcom RAID Controllers enhancement minor all
#1397 Don't report ATA attribute failure if value is equal to threshold Christian Franke defect minor all
#1437 Wording: ATA Error Count, Device Error Count enhancement minor smartctl
#1446 Haiku Support enhancement minor all
#1512 Deprecate the mailing list in favor of StackExchange enhancement minor all
#1513 Seagate IronWolf ST6000VN001-2BB186 attribute 1 raw value enhancement minor drivedb
#1612 Change JMicron JM20337/8 device type to sat enhancement minor drivedb
#1627 Incorrect SMART attribute label for Crucial SSDs - displayed as opposite of true meaning defect minor drivedb
#1652 Support for CCISS (HP/Compaq Smart Array Controller) in Windows enhancement minor all
#1685 Support for HighPoint controller with EJ340 extender enhancement minor all
#1705 Add new SSD product SMART attributes enhancement minor drivedb
#1760 NVMe support for qnx enhancement minor all
#1898 JSON output is empty in rare cases (smartctl-nc) defect minor smartctl
#1910 How can run smartctl on esxi server enhancement minor all
#42 Subzero temperature somebody defect trivial smartctl
#73 filename for save should include SerialNumber and time somebody enhancement trivial smartd
#100 please make smart module for lm_sensors somebody enhancement trivial all
#160 trivial: switch CL CH to CH CL somebody enhancement trivial all
#1824 Change the capability name of "Offline surface scan" to "Off-line Read Scanning" defect trivial smartctl
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