Custom Query (114 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 114)

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Status: new (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1440 'smartctl -n standby' wakes up Adaptec HBA adapter drives defect major all 7.2
#1448 "Defect list not found" SAS SSD defect major smartctl 7.1
#1527 linux megaraid: opening the device for ioctls with O_RDWR causes a partition rescan patch major all 7.2
#1633 SCSI self-tests only working in foreground mode (TOSHIBA AL13SEB300) defect major smartctl 7.0
#1641 smartctl.exe -d aacraid on Windows crashing when called with full path to binary defect major all 7.3
#1765 IOCTL_ATA_PASS_THROUGH fails with DRQ set (Intel PCH AHCI) defect major all 7.3
#107 Monitor worst and threshold value somebody enhancement minor smartd 5.39.1
#110 Print self-test failure checkpoint byte somebody enhancement minor smartctl 5.39.1
#215 Read xerror and append new error(s) to log file somebody enhancement minor all 5.42
#230 Areca device for Windows not showing in --scan somebody enhancement minor all 5.43
#292 Some Seagate drives play loose with the usage of some fields, confuses calculations somebody enhancement minor all 6.2
#299 Feature request: Read drive info through WMI somebody enhancement minor smartd 6.2
#513 Windows spins up and down disk even when ''-n standby'' is used defect minor all 6.3
#690 os_solaris.cpp: Add NVMe support for Solaris and IllumOS enhancement minor all
#737 Exit code 0 returned even when no SCSI diagnostic data is available defect minor smartctl 6.5
#819 KINGSTON SUV400S37120G: badly formed scsi parameters defect minor all 6.5
#820 Would like to contribute to making smartctl a static library task minor all 6.5
#826 Old OCZ-Vertex2 drive: badly formed scsi parameters defect minor all 6.5
#832 Enable / disable the certain device features by specifying feature value and sector count value. patch minor smartctl 6.5
#870 [SAS/SCSI] Patch to support SMART attributes support for WDC SAS products patch minor smartctl 6.5
#930 add to drivedb: Hewlett_Packard_Enterprise-MB001000GWCBC enhancement minor drivedb 6.6
#964 new re-RMA disk, smartmontools shows Power-off_retract_count > 65536+ but other 'Count' values are < 5-10 enhancement minor drivedb 6.6
#990 add to drivedb: MB4000GVYZA enhancement minor drivedb 6.5
#1067 Add Samsung specific NVMe pass-through access via NVMe Security commands enhancement minor all 6.6
#1070 SSDSC2KB019T7R scsi error badly formed scsi parameters defect minor all 6.2
#1117 add to drivedb: ST240FN0021 patch minor drivedb 6.2
#1139 Please add HP VK0240GEYJQ (Intel S3510 with custom FW) enhancement minor drivedb 6.6
#1180 HP-MB2000GCWDA drive enhancement minor drivedb 7.0
#1213 Access smart data from devices behind Megaraid software stack (ESRT2) enhancement minor all 6.6
#1218 Self tests pass under Windows 10 1809 but get stuck at 90% under Linux defect minor smartctl 7.0
#1269 HPE MB012000GWDFE missing in smartmon database enhancement minor drivedb 7.0
#1310 WDC WD80EFAX - error badly formed scsi parameters defect minor all 7.0
#1313 Beware of SMR drives in CMR clothing enhancement minor all
#1342 Prolific PL2507 (0x067b:0x2507) defect minor all 7.1
#1420 Request to add ASMedia 1062R to drivedb.h enhancement minor drivedb
#1422 Samsung Flash Drive FIT support (0x090c:0x1000, Silicon Motion) enhancement minor drivedb
#1443 [smartd] fix for otherwise always aborted selftests enhancement minor smartd
#1449 Apacer-APS25AF7512G-5BTM1GWT patch minor drivedb
#1451 Requesting -d sat entry for JMicron 0x152d:0x0583 (conflict with -d sntjmicron) enhancement minor all
#1459 Add to drivedb: WDC WSH722020ALN6Lz enhancement minor drivedb
#1461 WD Elements WDBWLG0100HBK-EESN (WDC WD101EMAZ-11G7DA0) enhancement minor drivedb
#1462 Read SMART Selective Self-test Log failed: scsi error unsupported field in scsi command defect minor smartctl 7.1
#1486 HP P500 portable SSD not being correctly handled (0x090c:0x1000) enhancement minor all
#1496 smartctl -s standby,now SPINS up other drives! (Windows) defect minor smartctl 7.2
#1505 smartd: only start self-test if temperature is low enough? enhancement minor smartd
#1507 How to retrieve/set SCTERC NVME devices? enhancement minor smartctl
#1514 Add HPE OEM drives to drivedb (MB004000GWKGV, MK003840GWHTE) enhancement minor drivedb
#1519 SMART attributes of sleeping external HDD are returned only after the 3rd try defect minor smartctl 7.2
#1523 Schrodinger's test - Captive tests fail when Smart is checked enhancement minor smartctl 6.5
#1524 Add SSD HP S700 Pro to the database enhancement minor drivedb 7.1
#1525 Separate DB entries for Intel S4510/S4610/S4500/S4600 Series SSDs patch minor drivedb 6.5
#1526 Problem Dell laptops mode Raid-On [Windows] defect minor smartctl 7.2
#1531 Please add SPCC Solid State Disk to Database enhancement minor drivedb 7.2
#1568 smartctl messages ‘Error: UNC at LBA’ invalid value for Windows defect minor smartctl 7.2
#1580 Add Seagate BUP Fast HDD to drive database (ASMT109x- Fast) enhancement minor drivedb 7.3
#1604 Intel S3700 w/ HP custom firmware (MK0400GCTZA) enhancement minor drivedb
#1609 JMicron USB bridges may return empty sense data on error enhancement minor all 7.3
#1620 WD WDS SSDs show incorrect Media Wearout Indicator (WDS400T2B0A) enhancement minor drivedb 7.3
#1625 smartctl does not check physical element status defect minor smartctl
#1626 Please add Verbatim Vi550 S3 (Maxio) to the database enhancement minor drivedb 7.2
#1636 WD Gold WD2005FBYZ-01YCBB3 Unknown Attribute (16) enhancement minor drivedb
#1645 Please add DAICHI to the Database (#DI LCB0D #DFULCB0D0033) enhancement minor drivedb
#1669 Axiom Signature Series III SSD enhancement minor drivedb
#1670 smartd: per device rules don't match for nvmes defect minor smartd
#1674 Add support for QNAP QDA-A2MAR (JMicron JMS562) enhancement minor all
#1683 Avolusion PRO-5X Series 12TB Not in smartctl database enhancement minor drivedb
#1688 HPE VK000960GWCNR (Intel S3520 SSDSC2BB960G7P with custom FW) enhancement minor drivedb
#1689 GOODRAM CX400 (SSDPR-CX400-128-G2 FW:SN07373) enhancement minor drivedb
#1690 Silicon Power A55 (SPCC Solid State Disk FW:SN08921) enhancement minor drivedb
#1703 Patriot Burst Elite 2.5 inch SSD 1920GB enhancement minor drivedb 7.3
#1708 Windows - NVMe Self-Test (kicking and aborting) not working properly defect minor smartctl
#1709 Add PNY CS900 1TB SSD to database (PNY 1TB SATA SSD/H220916a) enhancement minor drivedb
#1710 Single PERC H700 HDD through HyperV as scsi device defect minor all 7.2
#1714 AZW 512G M.2 SATA SSD 221010 P (512GB SSD/SN11986) enhancement minor drivedb
#1748 Inconsistency in nvme output & recommendation defect minor smartctl 7.4
#1756 USB-A/USB-C flash Kingston DataTraveller Max (0x0951:0x177f) enhancement minor drivedb
#1767 Add support for Transcend ESD310 (Silicon Motion SM2320, 0x2174:0x2100) enhancement minor drivedb 7.4
#1773 smartctl --scan can not detect the disks behind a megaraid controller on Dell Poweredge R620 with windows os enhancement minor all 7.3
#1774 Verbatim Vi560 S3 (Silicon Motion) enhancement minor drivedb
#1779 set smartd.conf settings based on type, manufacturer, model enhancement minor smartd
#1780 add to drivedb: INTEL_SSDSCKHB340G4M defect minor drivedb 7.4
#1802 add to drivedb: Hikvision HS-SSD-E100N 1024G enhancement minor drivedb
#1814 please add support for Micron CT1000X9SSD9 (0x0634:0x5605) enhancement minor drivedb 7.4
#1815 Micron 1100 SATA 256GB (FW: M0DL022): attribute 195 has bogus WORST value 0 enhancement minor drivedb 7.3
#1820 Add new rule of Apacer SSDs to drivedb (SMFL*) enhancement minor drivedb
#1833 Add new rule of Innodisk SSDs to drivedb (3ME3/3ME4/3TG6-P/3TE7) enhancement minor drivedb
#1837 Add NVMe "by-id" symlinks to "-d by-id" device scanning enhancement minor all
#1839 Request to Add SQFlash Information to Smartmontools Database patch minor drivedb
#1840 Database update: Samsung 870 EVO correction enhancement minor drivedb
#1842 LITEON-CF1-CP256-HP to the database enhancement minor drivedb
#1845 SPCC Solid State Disk with Firmware J00fae20 enhancement minor drivedb
#1849 Device name /dev/nvme0n1 not accepted on FreeBSD defect minor all 7.4
#1853 Add ps3stor RAID(ps3stor RAID Controller) support on Linux patch minor all
#1857 Please register HDD - unsupported field in scsi command enhancement minor drivedb
#1859 ID# (UB88SAB8000CS1-CTC-ORC) enhancement minor drivedb 6.5
#1861 Double entry in drivedb for 'INTEL SSDSC2BA200G4' defect minor drivedb 7.4
#1866 One drive to add to the database (HUH721212ALE601) enhancement minor drivedb
#1870 Transcend TS32GSSD340K (and probably others) enhancement minor drivedb
#1884 SMART Attribute Thresholds Structure error defect minor all 7.2
#1885 Western Digital Red Pro WD8005FFBX-68CAKN0 not in smartctl database enhancement minor drivedb 7.2
(more results for this group on next page)
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