Custom Query (12 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#314 Percentage used endurance indicator too short on HP Doug Gilbert defect major 6.2 11 years
#657 Add NVMe support to the smartmontools Christian Franke task major 9 years
#184 Support new ATA POWER MODE values Christian Franke enhancement minor 5.41 13 years
#465 Read default SMART attribute settings from drivedb.h Christian Franke enhancement minor 6.3 10 years
#555 Add osx installer and package to the SF downloads Alex Samorukov enhancement minor 6.4 9 years
#605 many places in source code are pointing to the url defect minor 6.4 9 years
#612 WD My Passport drive returning "Invalid ATA output register values" Christian Franke defect minor 6.4 9 years
#637 smartctl and smartd should not issue SCT commands if drive is locked Christian Franke defect minor 6.4 9 years
#640 Analyze errors from llvm scan-build Christian Franke defect minor 6.4 9 years
#677 Windows sometimes spins up a disk even when “-n standby” is used Christian Franke enhancement minor 6.4 9 years
#678 Seagate ST8000NM0075 is not working correctly with smartctl/smartd defect minor 6.4 9 years
#621 The incorrect smartctl terminal printout for GLTSD bit Christian Franke defect trivial 6.3 9 years
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