Custom Query (1405 matches)


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Crucial released updated 25nm Marvell-based SSD's at April 2011 with model ids: M4-CT(064|128|256)M4SSD2

SMART specs are the same:

Also according to the specs, attribute 181 contains three raw16 values, not one raw48.


Recently I received an Oyen Digital MiniPro USB 3.0 USB-SATA 2.5" hard drive enclosure:

Bus 003 Device 012: ID 0dc4:020a Macpower Peripherals, Ltd

smartctl requires '-d sat' on its command line to function.

regards, Paul


I have the following little tweaks to the systemd service file:

  1. Add ExecReload= to make systemctl reload smartd.service work as expected
  2. Make stdout go to syslog by default.
  3. Remove the EnvironmentFile= line completely. The rationale here is that local adjustments to the smartd command line can be made by copying the service file to /etc/systemd. The best way of course would be to make all these parameters work via /etc/smartd.conf so that init would not have to do anything with this.

If you disagree with me on 3., at least use EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/smartmontools, so that systemd does not fail to start the file when /etc/sysconfig/smartmontools is not present.

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