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I'm forwarding a bug reported by a Debian user. Version: smartctl 5.39 2009-12-09 r2995 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] (local build)

upon resuming from suspend to ram (iirc, it does not affect suspend to disk, but i would not bet now), smartd logs+mails various messages:

info smartd[1625]: Device: /dev/hda, not capable of SMART self-check crit smartd[1625]: Device: /dev/hda, failed to read SMART Attribute Data info smartd[1625]: Device: /dev/hda, Read SMART Self Test Log Failed info smartd[1625]: Device: /dev/hda, Read SMART Error Log Failed

after /etc/init.d/smartmontools restart, everything seems just fine.



I'm forwarding a bug reported by a Debian user.

smartctl can be used to execute a test on a drive already running another test. In my case, I ran a short test on a drive already running a long test. I was not aware that SMART could only handle 1 test at a time. Apparently, SMART can't resume aborted tests.

smartctl's behavior in this case seems to be to execute the newly requested test without caring about the already one. The worst problem with this is loss of time, as in my scenario. I see two options: running the newly requested test after the currently running one is finished, or prompt for what to do.



I'm forwarding a bug reported by a Debian user. Version: smartctl 5.39 2009-12-09 r2995 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] (local build)

Smartd logs internal error along with the notification of a failing hard disk.

From /var/log/syslog

-8<- Jan 12 13:42:11 hanuri smartd[9147]: Device: /dev/sdc, 5 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors Jan 12 13:42:11 hanuri smartd[9147]: internal error in MailWarning(): cfg.mailwarn->emailfreq=0 -8<-

/etc/smartd.conf has: -8<- /dev/sda -d ata -I 194 -I 190 /dev/sdb -d ata -I 194 -I 190 /dev/sdc -d ata -I 194 -I 190 /dev/sdd -d ata -I 194 -I 190 /dev/sde -d ata -I 194 -I 190 /dev/sdf -d ata -I 194 -I 190 -8<-

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