Ticket #84: sm.gnuplot

File sm.gnuplot, 3.4 KB (added by frief, 15 years ago)

gnuplot script

1# Frieder Ferlemann: this gnuplot script makes sense for data from SSD drives with Indilinx controllers
3set term png size 1600,1200
4set output "sm_all.png"
6#set xrange [1000:]
8set multiplot layout 4,2
10set tics nomirror
11set mxtics
12set mytics
13set y2tics
14set my2tics
16set key left
18#set output "sm1.png"
19set title "STT_FTM64GX25H Write_Sectors_Tot_Ct and Average_Erase_Count over POH"
20set xlabel "Power_On_Hours"
21set ylabel "Write_Sectors_Tot_Ct"
22set y2label "Average_Erase_Count"
23plot "sm.dat" using 1:2 ps 0.3 lc 2 title "Write_Sectors_Tot_Ct", \
24 "" using 1:8 ps 0.6 lc 1 title "Average_Erase_Count" axis x1y2
27#set output "sm2.png"
28set title "STT_FTM64GX25H Bytes written and Bytes erased over POH\nGarbage collection running wild?"
29set ylabel "GByte written"
30set y2label "GByte erased"
32plot "sm.dat" using 1:($2) * 512 / 1E9 ps 0.3 lc 2 title "written", \
33 "" using 1:($8) * media_size ps 0.6 lc 1 title "erased" axis x1y2
36#set output "sm3.png"
37set title "STT_FTM64GX25H Error Count over POH"
38set ylabel "Error Count"
39set y2label "Average_Erase_Count"
40#set key bottom right
41plot "sm.dat" using 1:($4) ps 0.3 title "Error_Bits_Flash_Tot_Ct", \
42 "" using 1:($5) ps 0.3 title "Corr_Read_Errors_Tot_Ct", \
43 "" using 1:($8) w l lw 0.1 title "Average_Erase_Count" axis x1y2
45#set output "sm4.png"
46set title "STT_FTM64GX25H Lifetime Guesses over POH\n(based on Max_PE_Count_Spec=10000) (expect glitches)"
47set ylabel "Remaining_Lifetime_Perc"
48set y2label "Estimated Lifetime Hours"
50plot "sm.dat" using 1:($9) ps 0.3 title "Remaining_Lifetime_Perc (drive)", \
51 "" using 1:(100-100*($8)/(Max_PE_Count_Spec)) ps 0.3 title "Remaining_Lifetime_Perc (calc)", \
52 "" using 1:($1)*100/(100-(($9)==100?99.5:($9))) ps 0.3 title "Estimated Lifetime (calc1)" axis x1y2, \
53 "" using 1:($1)*(Max_PE_Count_Spec)/(($8)==0?0.5:($8)) ps 0.3 title "Estimated Lifetime (calc2)" axis x1y2
55#set output "sm5.png"
56set title "STT_FTM64GX25H Write_Sectors_Tot_Ct and Write_Commands_Tot_Ct over POH"
57set ylabel "Write_Sectors_Tot_Ct"
58set y2label "Write_Commands_Tot_Ct"
59set key bottom right
60plot "sm.dat" using 1:2 ps 0.3 title "Write_Sectors_Tot_Ct", \
61 "" using 1:3 ps 0.3 title "Write_Commands_Tot_Ct" axis x1y2
63#set output "sm6.png"
64set title "STT_FTM64GX25H Erase Count over POH"
65set ylabel "Erase Count"
66set y2label ""
67set key bottom right
68plot "sm.dat" using 1:7 ps 0.3 title "Max_Erase_Count", \
69 "" using 1:8 ps 0.3 title "Average_Erase_Count", \
70 "" using 1:6 ps 0.3 title "Min_Erase_Count"
72#set output "sm7.png"
73set xrange [0:]
74set title "STT_FTM64GX25H Error Count over Average_Erase_Count"
75set ylabel "Error Count"
76set y2label "Power_On_Hours"
77set xlabel "Average_Erase_Count"
78#set key bottom right
79plot "sm.dat" using 8:($4) ps 0.3 title "Error_Bits_Flash_Tot_Ct", \
80 "" using 8:($5) ps 0.3 title "Corr_Read_Errors_Tot_Ct", \
81 "" using 8:($1) w l lw 0.1 title "Power_On_Hours" axis x1y2
83#set output "sm8.png"
84set title "STT_FTM64GX25H Error Count over Write_Sectors_Tot_Ct"
85set ylabel "Error Count"
86set y2label "Power_On_Hours"
87set xlabel "Write_Sectors_Tot_Ct"
88#set key bottom right
89plot "sm.dat" using 2:($4) ps 0.3 title "Error_Bits_Flash_Tot_Ct", \
90 "" using 2:($5) ps 0.3 title "Corr_Read_Errors_Tot_Ct", \
91 "" using 2:($1) w l lw 0.1 title "Power_On_Hours" axis x1y2